Shiyong Liu
·Paper Publications
- [1] Juan Xie, Jinfang Zheng, Xu Hong, Xiaoxue Tong Shiyong Liu.Shiyong Liu.PRIME-3D2D is a 3D2D model to predict binding sites of protein–RNA interaction.Communications Biology,2020,
- [2] Jinfang Zheng, Xu Hong, Juan Xie, Xiaoxue Tong, Shiyong Liu*. (2019) P3DOCK: a protein-RNA docking webserver based on template-based and template-free docking. Bioinformatics, Jun 7. pii: btz478..
- [3] Xiaoxue Tong, Shiyong Liu*. (2019) CPPred: coding potential prediction based on the global description of RNA sequence. Nucleic Acids Research, May 7;47(8):e43..
- [4] Jinfang Zheng, Juan Xie, Xu Hong, Shiyong Liu*. (2019) RMalign: an RNA structural alignment tool based on a novel scoring function RMscore. BMC Genomics, Apr 8;20(1):276..
- [5] Jinfang Zheng, Xiaoli Zhang, Xunyi Zhao, Xiaoxue Tong, Xu Hong, Juan Xie, and Shiyong Liu*. (2018) Deep-RBPPred: predicting RNA binding proteins in the proteome scale based on deep learning. Scientific Reports, 8(1):15264..
- [6] Xiaoli Zhang; Shiyong Liu*. (2017) RBPPred: predicting RNA-binding proteins from sequence using SVM. Bioinformatics, 33(6): 854~862..
- [7] Jinfang Zheng; Petras J. Kundrotas; Ilya A. Vakser*; Shiyong Liu*. (2016) Template-Based Modeling of Protein-RNA Interactions. PLoS Computational Biology, 12(9): 0~e1005120.
- [8] Hao Chen#, Yunjie Zhao#, Haotian Li#, Dongyan Zhang, Yanzhao Huang, Qi Shen, Rachel Van Duyne, Fatah Kashanchi, Chen Zeng and Shiyong Liu* (2014) Break CDK2/Cyclin E1 interface allosterically with small peptides. PLOS One, Oct 7; 9(10)..
- [9] Xiufeng Yang, Haotian Li, Yangyu Huang, Shiyong Liu* (2013) The dataset for protein-RNA binding affinity. Protein Science, Dec 1;12:1808-1811..
- [10] Yangyu Huang#, Shiyong Liu#, Dachuan Guo, Lin Li, and Yi Xiao*, (2013) A novel protocol for three-dimensional structure prediction of RNA-protein complexes. Scientific Reports, 3:1887.